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What would you like to know

Our Frequently Asked Questions cover the most common queries we encounter from customers. It provides information such as our port and onboard facilities, our procedures as well as some of our policies. The information contained is updated regularly. Should you be unable to find the answer you require, please feel free to forward your question to us here.



Miscellaneous questions regarding our services

general »

new customers

new customers

Advice and information for new customers

new customers »

dangerous goods

dangerous goods

Key information on our dangerous goods policy

dangerous goods »



A summary of our onboard facilities

onboard »

abnormal loads

abnormal loads

How big, how long, how heavy?

abnormal loads »

live animals

live animals

Clarification of our policy regarding the transport of live animals

live animals »



General information regarding bookings

booking »

immigration and asylum

immigration & asylum

What preventative measures do we employ?

immigration & asylum »

account facilities

account facilities

A summary of the account facilities we offer

account facilities »